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6 Fall Memories, 6 Reasons to Be Grateful

One week I was serving within walking distance of the Pacific Ocean and an incredible beach, and the next I was in Iowa, within walking distance of a corn field.

Don’t get me wrong, corn fields are great. They remind me of my home, the place I grew up and the place that has some incredible memories. But it was a struggle being back in the typical, the place where everything was familiar and not all that exciting. 

When I committed to joining CGA for the fall semester, excitement began to rise again. What new experiences will I have? Where in Georgia can I explore? What new people will I meet? 

Throughout the fall, these questions have been answered. Here are some of the things I’ve experienced this fall. Some for the first time, some experienced from a new perspective.

Training Camp. I had the incredible experience of being on the training team for D Squad, an amazing squad launching in January 2016! 


Hiking Appalachian Trail. I hit the trail to hike 18 miles of the Appalachian Trail with the men of D Squad during training camp, having the opportunity to share about the Race from a man’s perspective. 


Atlanta Braves Game. Me and over 100 of my closest Adventures in Missions friends went to a Braves game. The Braves won, and I checked another ballpark off the ol’ list. 


Marathon. I ran 26.2 miles through the streets of Nashville with my parents and 9 squadmates cheering me on! 


Regional Logistics. I built relationships with hosts from Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Vietnam during my apprenticeship.


Community. House dinners, movie nights, and other gatherings with great new friends.


I value the experiences above greatly. Some have been fun, some challenging, but all incredibly rewarding. The Lord has used these moments to bring me closer to the community around me, to allow me to step deeper into the life he has for me, and to draw me closer to Him. 

Thank you for your prayers, for your support, and most of all for walking along side me in this season of learning and serving!